Francis Turbine Twin Runners Double Discharge
Francis twin runners, or Francis double discharge have several advantages. Norcan’s experience shows that Francis twin turbines have a significant advantage over the conventional option of two horizontal Francis turbines and generators. Or a single larger diameter vertical unit that is more costly. Francis twin and Francis Camelback designs were created over 100 years ago because they provided smaller diameters and were easier to manufacture. Also, their higher speed made generators more cost-effective. Which is even more important in today’s volatile economic landscape. Francis’ twin flexibility gives higher efficiency at partial loads. This advantage is significant for many hydropower projects. Norcan has developed a unique skill set for Francis twin modernizations. With a similar approach to the Francis Camelback. Norcan’s new Francis double discharge design is better adapted to the hydropower generating station parameters. As a result, they provide higher efficiencies across the operating load, increasing the power output an average of 14% to 20%.
Woronoco Falls, Massachusetts
Modernization with a new Francis twin double discharge hybrid 45 in., 1143 mm, 2126 kW turbine. Norcan's scope of supply included, engineering, manufacturing of the turbine, dismantling, installation, and commissioning. Norcan provides innovative turbine solutions.