NORCAN World of Projects

Nova Scotia, Canada

NORCAN Short Survey of Installed Projects with Turbine Types

FRANCIS Conventional

Tide Water 2.6 MW, Nova Scotia

New runner modernization 1 x FRANCIS Vertical 2631 kW 300 RPM ∅ 50.35-in (1497-mm) with NORCAN modern hydraulic geometries for more power output significantly increasing the annual energy production for a sustainable future supporting building climate resilience while maximizing the power plant revenue for decades of dependable operations. NORCAN scope of supply Engineering, R&D, Manufacturing, Fabrication of the Turbine runner, dismantling, installation and commissioning, Best quality made in Canada with core components sourced in Canada and the U.S.A.

Propeller Turbine Vertical Single Regulations

Methals Falls 3.9 MW, Nova Scotia

Modernization Project of 1 x new NORCAN Propeller Vertical Open Pit Axial Flow Single Regulated Ø 90-in (2286-mm) 240 RPM 3900 kW delivering more power output with a significant increase of the sustainable annual energy production supporting climate resilience while maximizing the power plant revenue for decades of dependable operations. NORCAN scope of work included engineering, R&D, Design, Project Management, Manufacturing of the Turbine, Dismantling, Installation, and Commissioning with the best quality made in Canada with core components sourced in Canada and the U.S.A.